What is mercury?

Type of mercury.

Type Element symbol or structural formula
metallic mercury   Hg
Metallic inorganic mercury Mercury mercury sulphide HgS
mercury (I) chloride Hg2Cl2
mercury (II) chloride HgCl2
Organic mercury Methylmercury chloride CH3ClHg
Sodium ethyl mercury thiosalicylate C9H9HgNaO2S
phenylmercury acetate CH3COOHgC6H5
2,7-Dibromo-4-hydroxymercury fluorescein disodium salt C20H8Br2HgNa2O6

metallic mercury


They were used for thermometers and blood pressure gauges. They are still used in small-scale gold mining sites.

sodic mercury sulfide (HgS)


Cinnabar. Material for paints, pigments and red ink. HgS。


Black cinnabar. Same chemical composition as cinnabar but with a different crystalline structure. HgS。

mercury chloride


Sublimate. It had been used in the past for disinfection.

methylmercury chloride


Methylmercury compounds. Cause of Minamata disease.

Sodium ethyl mercury thiosalicylate


Thimerosal. It is sometimes used as a preservative in vaccines.

phenylmercury acetate


It was used as a pesticide in the past.

2,7-Dibromo-4-hydroxymercury fluorescein disodium salt


The trade name for 2,7-dibromo-4-hydroxymercury fluorescein disodium salt (melbromin) is Mercurochrome. The aqueous solution of melbromin is a dark reddish-brown liquid, known as Mercurochrome solution or commonly as redtin.